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关于 喝茶品会【入席须知】规定
① 茶会时间: 19:00之前完成签到、入席环节,请勿迟到。欢迎提前来参观品茶人文 ② 着装要求: 着宽松服装等使身心舒服放松的服装(因本次入座榻榻米,建议穿着宽松裤装) ③ 不要抽烟的味道会影响到喝茶品鉴 ④ 保持安静: 保持席间安静,手机调成震动或静音状态(特别是老师上课演奏环节和冲泡环节需要安静的环境) ⑤ 拍照规则: 品茶禁止拍照外,其他时间禁止拍照
Anhonor development: will + talent + perseverance = success
Anhonor life: Innovation + quality and reputation development
Anhonor hope in the future market, by the sword of the spirit beyond the Anhonor.
Anhonor pursuit is always to create, is the concept of integrity is always Anhonor.
Anhonor people know: the management is the soul of the enterprise, employees of the enterprise, the enterprise is the quality of life, reputation is the day.
Keep in mind: Anhonor pragmatic and efficient, the pursuit of excellence is the eternal goal of enterprise.