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变压器 — S9S11-10 油浸式变压器

■  本部分产品适用于三相、50Hz、35kV级及以下的电力系统中,是中小型变电站的主要变电设备,供工农业配电、动力和照明用。
■ 本公司吸取国内外先进技术,采用新材料,优化设计,使产品的结构更趋合理,产品的电气强度、机械强度、散热能力等得到明显提高。S9系列产品通过了武汉高压研究所的突发短路实验和国家变压器质量监督检验中心试验。


■ 铁芯
■ 线圈
■ 油箱
■ 安全保护装置





■  This kind of product is applied to power system of three-phase, 50Hz as well as 35kV and below, it is the main transformer equipment of medium and small-sized transformer substation, supplies power distribution, power and illumination for the industry and agriculture.
■  The company introduces in domestic and overseas advanced technique, adopts the latest material and optimizes design, which enables the product structure more reasonable, and greatly improves the product electric strength, mechanical strength and heat-sinking capability. S9 series product has passed the short-circuit test prepared by Wuhan High Voltage Research Institute and also the test prepared by National Center for Quality Supervision & Test of Transformer. 

Structural Features

■ Core 
        Multi-step diagonally oriented laminations of high quality cold-rolled silicon steel, iron with full seams, no punching, roll cores, and other types of fastening using stainless steel pull clamping plate and epoxy glass strands belt. 
■ Coil 
        Manufacture of high quality oxygen-free copper wire or wrapped flat copper wire, using cylindrical coil, spiral, spiral improvement, continuous style, type and other types tangled. 
■ Tank 
    Tank using a bucket or a hood type, cooling components using corrugated sheet or piece radiator and other components. 
    Transformers generally do not supply the car, but the bottom line with the national standard gauge welded base, user-friendly installation. 
■  Safety devices 
    In accordance with national standards and user requirements, the transformer can be configured: pressure release valve, gas relay, fast numbers thermometer, oil purifier, reservoir oil tanks, oil sample valve and other safety devices.

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